Like many other industries that affect homeowners, the plumbing industry is rife with common myths. In these cases, what you don’t know can definitely hurt your home and your budget. Keep reading to learn about some of the most common plumbing myths so you can protect your home.
Flushable Wipes Are Safe to Flush
This is one of the most common plumbing myths out there. While some wipes claim to be flushable, this isn’t actually the case. Basically, what it means is that they break down more easily than non-flushable wipes. However, they can still get lodged in your pipes, creating a clog. When your plumbing system backs up, it can lead to leaks, burst pipes, and water damage. All of these things can seriously cost you when it comes to repairs. In general, it is always much safer to throw wipes in the trash, even if the label says they can be flushed.
Plungers Can Fix All Clogs
A plunger is a great tool for getting rid of blockages in your pipes. While it can be useful in many cases, it won’t always work. Not only that, but it may only remove part of a clog, leaving some of the blockages still inside the pipe. For more severe blockages, you’ll likely need the services of a plumber. This will ensure you get rid of the entire clog to prevent it from backing up again in the future.
Water Flowing Means There Is No Clog
This is another of the more common plumbing myths. You may mistakenly believe that if water flows through your drain, even slowly, there is not enough of a clog to warrant your attention. However, if you notice that the water is draining more slowly than usual, it is a sure sign of a blockage. Even if the pipe isn’t completely blocked, you should still call in a plumber to deal with it right away. It is only a matter of time before the clog gets worse, ultimately blocking off the pipe entirely.
Hot Water Will Prevent Grease from Clogging Your Pipes
One of the most pervasive plumbing myths around pouring cooking grease down your drain is that hot water will stop it from congealing. While this may be true at the very beginning of your plumbing system, the water and grease will cool rapidly as they go farther along. Then, the grease or oil will solidify in the pipes, attracting other debris and creating a firm blockage. To avoid this problem, never pour cooking oil or grease down the drain at all.
It’s Difficult to Clean Your Garbage Disposal
While cleaners and solvents are not meant for your garbage disposal, that doesn’t mean that you can’t keep your garbage disposal smelling fresh. Cleaning the disposal can be as easy as adding ice cubes or lemons to the disposal. The ice can break away food that is caught in the disposals nooks and crannies while the lemons have deodorizing and cleansing properties. Just make sure to thoroughly rinse after you grind up some lemons. The acid in the lemon peels and juice can be incredibly harsh on the metal inside your garbage disposal. In between cleanings, regular dish soap will keep your garbage disposal plenty clean.
Solve Plumbing Mishaps with Forrest Anderson
If you have fallen victim to these or any other plumbing myths, Forrest Anderson can help repair the damage. We can also advise you of other plumbing myths to help you avoid them going forward. Our expert plumbers will come out to your Phoenix home right away to fix any problems and ensure your plumbing system is working as it should. Get in touch with us today to schedule a service appointment.
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